Nizhny Novgorod City Guide -
Wednesday, March 26, 4:55 pm / Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Major Nizhny Novgorod Companies

Motor-Car Construction
Aircraft Construction
Nuclear Industry
Radio Electronics
Information Technologies & Telecommunications
Engineering Industry
Final Iron Production
Chemical Industry
Food & Drink Production
Ready-Made Garments & Leather Goods Production

Motor-Car Construction

GAZ, Automobile Plant
A large universal automobile plant under the GAZ GROUP, the largest in Russia automotive manufacture of light commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, cars, diesel engines, power-train components, and road construction equipment being exported to more than 30 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America

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Aircraft Construction

SOKOL, Aircraft Building Plant
An internationally known manufacturer of MiG family fighters; SOKOL actively participates in international cooperation within civil aviation market as a manufacturer and supplier of aircraft components for leading European airspace companies such as Airbus (France), Aermacchi (Italy), Walter (Czech Republic)

A leading Russian designer and manufacturer of landing gears, hydraulic actuators and hydraulic units for all types of aircraft

TEPLOOBMENNIK Russian version
One of the leading enterprises in the filed of designing and manufacturing of units for air conditioning and pressure control systems for pressurized compartment and indifferent gas systems made for aeronautical engineering; the goods produced in TEPLOOBMENNIK are mounted practically to all domestically produced war and civil airplanes

NORMAL An official web site does not exist (March 3d, 2009); feel free to contact us for further information obtaining
A supplier of hardware (location bracketry) made of corrosion-resistant steel, aluminum and titanium alloys, and brass for aerospace equipment as well as for shipbuilding, radio, and medical industries

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KRASNOYE SORMOVO Russian version
A shipbuilding plant specialized in building of dry cargo barges and tankers including ships building for export purposes

A modern manufacturing facility that uses up-to-date technologies to construct high-speed ships for a variety of applications; VOLGA Shipyard produces a wide range of high-speed vessels such as passenger vessels, cargo vessels, emergency high-speed rescue vessels, patrol boats, leisure boats

LAZURIT, Central Design Bureau
Design documentation development for submarines and surface ships, underwater works equipment, heating and diesel engine power plants

VYMPEL, Design Office for Shipbuilding
Different types, purposes, and navigation areas ships projects development (navy, inland water transport, others)

AKS-INVEST, Shipbuilding Company Russian version
River and sea high-speed transport development and serial building

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Nuclear Industry

Experimental Design Office for Mechanical Engineering after Afrikantov
A multidiscipline scientific and production enterprise for nuclear power engineering performing all types of activities in reactor plants development and equipment for various purpose production from technical concept up to its implementation

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Radio Electronics

Radio Engineering Research Institute
A major developer of radar systems in Russia

KVAZAR, Measuring Instruments Design Bureau
Measuring means development and manufacture

High performance radio measurement equipment development and production

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Information Technologies & Telecommunications

With respect to IT and radio-electronic industries highly developed in the region Nizhny Novgorod in some way is compared to Silicon Valley. Strong technical education provided by a number of universities with a great potential accumulated for the years by the radio engineering enterprises let create science intensive businesses in a short space of time. Investment policy kept in the region makes it real as well.

Formerly known as Telma Soft and TLM Com., is one of the first-rate Russian companies in the field of offshore programming; one of the Top 100 IT companies in Russia; founded in 1991 as private company, Telma Soft was acquired by Teleca AB (with headquarters in Sweden) in April 2006

MERA Networks
A software development outsourcing company that provides a wide range of onshore, nearshore and offshore programming services to IT and telecom equipment vendors

INTEL Nizhny Novgorod Lab
One of the largest Intel research and software development centers in Europe

The largest telecommunications company of the Volga region providing a wide range of telephony, cellular, Internet and data transmission, TV and radio broadcasting services

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Engineering Industry

Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Plant Russian version
Equipment and aggregates manufacture for nuclear, power, oil and gas, coal, and timber industries; modular heating plants (boiler-rooms) manufacture

A leading manufacturer of diesel and gas medium speed engines; only one in Russia manufacturer of reciprocating gas motor compressors for oil and gas industry

MELINVEST Russian version
A leader in Russia mill and grain elevator equipment for grain processing manufacture; one of the major supplier for agrarian industry in Russia, the former Soviet republics, and Eastern Europe

A leader in Russia in anchor chains, calibrated chains for various types of conveyers and hoisting gear, chains for mining equipment, hoisting slings, lifting gear and accessories manufacture

KRASNAYA ETNA Russian and German versions
One of the leaders in Russia in fixing parts manufacture for motor-car and other industries

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Gorky Metallurgical Works Web site temporary inaccessible (March 4th, 2009)
A large multitype enterprise producing high-strength tool steel and tools that are used nearly in all woodworking, metal-working, and agricultural enterprises in Russia and the former Soviet republics

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Final Iron Production

A leading in its area supplier of all types and dimension-types saws for timber and woodworking industries in Russian and international markets

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Chemical Industry

NIZHPHARM Russian version
A pharmaceutical company that produces more than 100 names of preparations in liniment, cream, suppositories, tablet, and gelatinous capsule forms; included to Top 3 Russian pharmaceutical companies

DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS, Research and production company
One of Russian leading manufacturers of enzyme-linked immunoassays for diagnostics of infectious diseases and reagent kits for bacteria identification

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Food & Drink Production

SORMOVSKAYA, Confectionary Plant
One of the largest confectionary plants in Russia

Nizhny Novgorod Fat-and-Oil plant Russian version
One of the largest suppliers of fat-and-oil goods into Russian market; a leading enterprise in Russian fat-and-oil industry (mayonnaise, margarine, laundry and toilet soap)

Included to Russian production and trade company Wimm-Bill-Dann

VOLGA, Brewing company
The largest in the region beer maker

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Ready-Made Garments & Leather Goods Production

MAYAK, Garment Factory
A large producing company in outer female clothing tailoring (SONATA trade mark)

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